-Topic: her research paper talks about "The Holy Grail, from its origins to the present"
-Facts I have learned:
*she choose this topic because she's interested about the origin of The Holy Grail and its history.
*One of her objectives was read five books about the topic.
*Two books that she read are Conte du Graal, and The Da Vinci Code.
*Nowadays the Grial is the symbol abut the power.
In general she did it very well. she have an exelent english pronunciation.
-Topic: His research paper was about "How to create a Company?" and the title was "My Company".
-Facts I have learned:
*His topic is about construction.
*One of his objectives is know how to make a product.
*He had to look information in the web and make intervieus to a company workers.
He did it well but his mistake was that he forgot his power point.
-Topic: her research paper talks about Sherlock Holmes and the "Pastiches".
-Facts I have learned:
*There are seven persons like Sherlok Holmes, they are important in the story too.
*It's only a part of her research paper, she want to finish that next year.
that was good, but her presentation was too short and wasn't more specific.
- Topic: her research paper talks about the enviorment.
- Facts I have learned:
*The global warming and the climate chance was to subparts of the paper.
*She did an interview to an especialist of envrional education.
*in 2030 the energic global demaneded will increase.
- Ideas I can copy:
*put a funny pictures related to the topic.
- Topic: her research paper talks about "La comtessa de Molins".
- Facts I have learned:
*She read some books about the legent of "la comtessa de Molins"
-Ideas I can copy for my presentations:
*She made a blog for cotact with people have interesting about this topic.
-Topic: her research paper had this title: "An aproximation to Ethnics".
- Facts I have learned:
*she studied the principal influences of Sabater in the philosofy.
*She went to the conference in Barcelona.
*philosofy is usual for people to organize our knowledge.
*Do you agree with the Sabater theories? yes, she does.
-topic: her research paper talks about the history of her family.
-Facts I have learned:
*She had to see the family evolutions generations to generations.
*She made a genealogic tree.
*She introduced their feeling evolution.
-ideas I can copy:
*do a research paper about one topic related to my family, or my origins.
-topic: her research paper was about Children's Literature.
-Facts I have learned:
*She had to read 8 novels.
*She compared the novels with J.K. Rowling books.
*The children's Literature in spanish have a moment of glory thank's Harry Potter books.
*what's your favourite book? it's Grippo, an historical novel.
-Topic: The topic for her research paper was the children languaje learning.
- Facts I have learned:
*at first she decided to analize the children's languaje development.
*she interview different kids. They are 2, 3, or 4 ages.
*they sometimes use spanish words into a catalan languaje.
-topic: his research paper talks about Nazis Consentration camps.
- Facts I have learned:
*it started on 1943 to 1945.
*on 1933 they didn't kill anyone.
*For him was very difficult to realize this project.
-topic: the creation and the management of a corporate business.
-facts I have learned:
*one of his objectives are know how to create the corporate business and analize the project.
*marqueting /the description of the product/publicity/ are subapartats of this paper.
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