viernes, 28 de marzo de 2008

evaluation of the Oral Presentations.


-Topic: her research paper talks about "The Holy Grail, from its origins to the present"

-Facts I have learned:

*she choose this topic because she's interested about the origin of The Holy Grail and its history.
*One of her objectives was read five books about the topic.
*Two books that she read are Conte du Graal, and The Da Vinci Code.
*Nowadays the Grial is the symbol abut the power.

In general she did it very well. she have an exelent english pronunciation.



-Topic: His research paper was about "How to create a Company?" and the title was "My Company".

-Facts I have learned:
*His topic is about construction.
*One of his objectives is know how to make a product.
*He had to look information in the web and make intervieus to a company workers.

He did it well but his mistake was that he forgot his power point.



-Topic: her research paper talks about Sherlock Holmes and the "Pastiches".

-Facts I have learned:
*There are seven persons like Sherlok Holmes, they are important in the story too.
*It's only a part of her research paper, she want to finish that next year.

that was good, but her presentation was too short and wasn't more specific.



- Topic: her research paper talks about the enviorment.

- Facts I have learned:
*The global warming and the climate chance was to subparts of the paper.
*She did an interview to an especialist of envrional education.
*in 2030 the energic global demaneded will increase.

- Ideas I can copy:
*put a funny pictures related to the topic.



- Topic: her research paper talks about "La comtessa de Molins".

- Facts I have learned:

*She read some books about the legent of "la comtessa de Molins"

-Ideas I can copy for my presentations:

*She made a blog for cotact with people have interesting about this topic.



-Topic: her research paper had this title: "An aproximation to Ethnics".

- Facts I have learned:

*she studied the principal influences of Sabater in the philosofy.

*She went to the conference in Barcelona.

*philosofy is usual for people to organize our knowledge.


*Do you agree with the Sabater theories? yes, she does.



-topic: her research paper talks about the history of her family.

-Facts I have learned:

*She had to see the family evolutions generations to generations.

*She made a genealogic tree.

*She introduced their feeling evolution.

-ideas I can copy:

*do a research paper about one topic related to my family, or my origins.



-topic: her research paper was about Children's Literature.

-Facts I have learned:

*She had to read 8 novels.

*She compared the novels with J.K. Rowling books.

*The children's Literature in spanish have a moment of glory thank's Harry Potter books.


*what's your favourite book? it's Grippo, an historical novel.



-Topic: The topic for her research paper was the children languaje learning.

- Facts I have learned:

*at first she decided to analize the children's languaje development.

*she interview different kids. They are 2, 3, or 4 ages.

*they sometimes use spanish words into a catalan languaje.



-topic: his research paper talks about Nazis Consentration camps.

- Facts I have learned:

*it started on 1943 to 1945.

*on 1933 they didn't kill anyone.

*For him was very difficult to realize this project.



-topic: the creation and the management of a corporate business.

-facts I have learned:

*one of his objectives are know how to create the corporate business and analize the project.

*marqueting /the description of the product/publicity/ are subapartats of this paper.

sábado, 15 de marzo de 2008


Teachers at public schools in Reus and Vic are in the front linies of a new iniciative by the Catalan government to ease the integration of migrant students who arrived mid-term.
The generalitat's minister of education has chosen the two cities to test the idea of separate classrooms for incoming students.
Set to begin next September, the proposal has churned up more criticism than approval .
while the details still need to be worked out, the new sistem will generally apply to children seven-years-old and up. Younger children are seen to have a better facility of learning languajes more quickly in an immersion environment.

Summary of a new (from Catalonia Today)

Carlota, a 13 years's girl , has become the youngest patient in Spain to be fitted with a bionic limb. "myoelectric" prosthetic limbs act on electrical signals recieved from arm muscles.
Carlota thanks to her new limb , will be able to perform such intricate tasks as typing or picking up small objects, and when she is fitted with prosthetic skin, her hand will be very life-like indeed.
Bionic limbs such as Carlota's are on a market at €40,000.

OpiniOn EssAy!


During second batxillerat, apart from studying for the exams and preparing for selectivitat, we have to do a research paper, a "book" with information about a topic that we choose in the end of first batxillerat.
in my opinion, I think that this research paper should be left out, because it needs more ours of working, and sometimes it doesn't let you study for the exams or doing homework.
On the one hand I agree that with the research paper you can learn more things about a topic that you like, and it starts at the end of first batxillerat, so you have all summer to do it; but on the other hand I think that's unfair because this research paper is only for the students in catalonia and if you fail it , you have to repeat second of batxillerat.
In conclusion I would like to say that this research paper is unnessesary to know if the students are able to pass batxillerat or not, because with the exams and the homework should be enough, with the research paper you spend too much time and these hours could be succesful for your study.
Exercises of Match Point film:


The subtitles of match point are passion, obsession and temptation.

The director put this subtitles because passion means the relationship that Chris have with Nola and Chloe, Chloe’s his wife. The character that has passion in this film is Chris because he has a wife but he’s obsession to Nola, and he have a secret relationship with her.
The temptation becomes when Chris want go with Nola but he can’t go because he have to work or stay with his wife. The temptation develops all the film.


When Chris and Nola meet is when Chris go to the Chloe’s house because her brother invite him for present him to their parents. There, Chris walking through into the house and then he go to the game-room and there find Nola. When he enters into the room is Nola who talks firstly. The director presents Nola challenge Chris to a ping-pong match and presents Chris how a good boy, pleasant. They have a seduction moment.

viernes, 14 de marzo de 2008

My LAst OrAL pREsEntatiON!

in this Oral presentation I was very nervous, and at first I read too much from the paper, and I remember that I had problemes with the powerpoint, cause it didn't appeared in the same way that I wanted..

I can see in a video that I didn't gesticulate, and saw the public neither.. but in the last minutes of the presetation I had to improvize somethings for answere some question..

the most mistakes that i could do are the bad pronunciation of some words.


Description of a place:

That was a magnific place that I saw once, but I couldn't remember the name of the town where I found that. I only know that it was in a region of Australia.
I remember that It was like a normal natural parc, but bigger and a little bit wild too. You could find some annimals running around the place, next to you, but they were domestical and farm animals.
The weather that day was so hot, because it was in summer, and the sun was shining a lot.
At the entry of this parc you could see a little square without threes, and on the floor there was only sand, and around there were some duks and geese running free. At the left from this square there was a bar service for the people who visit the place.
A part from the square there were other routes that give to you on different kinds of animals and plants that the place had.